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Sarasota County Joins FRA!

Sarasota County Joins FRA!

The Florida Republican Assembly welcomed its newest chapter Tuesday February 21st at its first meeting in Sarasota County. A packed room had an emotional start as they pick their local leadership. Please contact Chapter President Conni Brunni for more information. ...

Palm Beach County Joins FRA!

The Florida Republican Assembly welcomed its newest chapter Tuesday January 30 at its first meeting in West Palm Beach.  The Republican Assembly of Palm Beach County at its opening event, began with notable conservative talk show host C.L. Bryant as guest...

The GOP House Finally Grows a Pair

The GOP House Finally Grows a Pair

Lou Marin, VP of Florida Republican Assembly speaks about the Speaker of the House elections See the full article here:



The Florida Republican Assembly is auditing ERIC, the "electronic information registration system" which has produced bloated voter rolls in its member states. Florida is one, and its rolls have topped 100% of all possible citizens of voting age.The inaccuracies of...

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