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The GOP House Finally Grows a Pair
Lou Marin, VP of Florida Republican Assembly speaks about the Speaker of the House elections See the full article here: https://www.americaoutloud.com/the-gop-house-finally-grows-a-pair/
The Florida Republican Assembly is auditing ERIC, the "electronic information registration system" which has produced bloated voter rolls in its member states. Florida is one, and its rolls have topped 100% of all possible citizens of voting age.The inaccuracies of...
FRA with Dr. Jane Ruby: Will Florida Fall In Election Day Cheating?
Kristofer Jurski Raises Alarm: Potentially MILLIONS of Fake Ballots Created in Florida and Everyone is Complicit
FRA Raises the Alarm: Potentially Millions of Fake Ballots
Kristofer Jurski Raises Alarm: Potentially MILLIONS of Fake Ballots Created in Florida and Everyone is Complicit
Florida Republican Assembly Chapter Becomes State’s Largest, Makes Moves on Voter Integrity
The Florida Republican Assembly of Orange County, a chapter of the Florida Republican Assembly (FRA) and a chartered affiliate of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies (NFRA) was established on January 25th, 2021, marking the seventh chapter in...